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Module bastionlab.tokenizers





from_hugging_face_pretrained(self, model_name: str, revision: Optional[str] = 'main', auth_token: Optional[str] = None) ‑> [bastionlab.tokenizers.remote_tokenizers](

Loads a Hugging Face tokenizer model with the checkpoint name.

Args: model_name: str Model name. revision: str A branch or commit id auth_token: str, optional, default=None An optional auth token used to access private repositories on the Hugging Face Hub


Represents a tokenizer on the server.

Instance variables

decoder :

model :

normalizer :

padding :

post_processor :

pre_tokenizer :

truncation :


enable_padding(_self, *args, **kwargs) :

enable_truncation(_self, *args, **kwargs) :

encode(self, rdf: RemoteLazyFrame, add_special_tokens: bool = True) ‑> Tuple[bastionlab.polars.RemoteArray, bastionlab.polars.RemoteArray]

Encodes a RemoteLazyFrame as tokenized RemoteArray.

Args: rdf: RemoteLazyFrame The RemoteDataframe containing string sequences to be tokenized. add_special_tokens: bool Whether to add the special tokens

Returns: Tuple[RemoteArray, RemoteArray] Returns a tuple of the tokenized entries (first RemoteArray contains input_ids and the other, attention_mask)

get_vocab(_self, *args, **kwargs) :

get_vocab_size(_self, *args, **kwargs) :

no_padding(_self, *args, **kwargs) :